Upstate Roofing and Painting
Upstate Roofing and Painting Roof Vault Logo Website
Upstate Roofing and Painting Roof Vault Logo
Upstate Roofing and Painting

Upstate Roofing and Painting – Website + Graphic Design

Upstate Roofing and Painting approached jordannerissa looking for web design services to design a brand new website for their company. Their website no longer aligned with who they were as a company, was overly complicated with too many pages and wasn’t mobile-friendly.

jordannerissa worked with Upstate Roofing and Painting to determine how they wanted to be portrayed which was as a modern and friendly company – living out their mission of “Integrity in Action.”

The website is intentionally heavily photography-focused on the impressive projects they have completed and on the Upstate Roofing and Painting team, which is considered to be their greatest and most unique aspect.

Integrity in Action is carried throughout the website displaying the people behind the name, partnerships, giving back to the community, projects, services, and the impressive training and safety they provide to their employees.

jordannerissa also provided Graphic Design services to develop a logo and informational sheet for their Roof Management System – Roof Vault.

Check out their newly designed website:

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